07/05/20 - 11:53h

“Borim se sa strahom od greške i da ne izneverim ljude”


Ruska teniserka Anastasija Pavljučenkova je za “Behind The “Racquet” rekla je da se od početka karijere bori sa strahom da će izneveriti druge ljude.


– Ponekad je bilo tužno to što mi je tata bio više trener nego otac. Počela sam da igram sa pet-šest godina i uvek je bio tu za mene – na terenu, na kondicionim pripremama, on je bio taj koji se mučio sa mnom. Iako je tata bio najuključeniji, cela porodica se bavila mnome. Sa 14 godina je moj brat, koji je igrao tenis ranije, počeo da putuje sa mnom. Ponosna sam na to što sam postigla na terenu i van njega uz njihovu pomoć, ali uvek imam još ciljeva. – napisala je ona i nastavila:

– Mislim da se borim sa strahom od greške i od toga da ne izneverim ljude. Porodica mi je pružala pomoć, ali bilo mi je teško da budem svoja, pa sam polako i kroz putovanja učila kako da se samostalno nosim sa raznim iskustvima. Vredno radim, tako da moja porodica smatra da je sve bilo vredno truda. Sećam se svog prvog juniorskog Australijan opena, 2006. godine, razmišljala sam kako bi bilo dobro da dobijem meč-dva kako ne bih nikoga izneverila (osvojila je titulu). Nije lako igrati na najvišem nivou pod tim pritiskom. Kao juniorka sam mnogo pobeđivala, bila broj jedan, i sve je to bilo moguće zbog vere koju je otac imao u mene, to tek sada shvatam.

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“It was sad at times when my dad was more of a coach than a father. I started playing when I was about five or six years old, and he was always there for me. He was there on the court for me, helped me with fitness and was the person who struggled along side of me. Even though my dad put in the most effort my whole family was involved. When I was 14 my brother, who used to play tennis, started traveling with me. I am proud of what I have achieved on and off the court with help from them but I always have more goals. ⁣ ⁣ I think I deal with this fear of making a mistake and letting people down. Through the help my family gave me it was tough to be my own person. Slowly through travel and being away I began to learn how to deal with experiences on my own. I work so hard so my family feels like it was worth it. I remember back in 2006, playing my first Junior Australian Open. In my head I thought it would be good if I won a match or two but just didn’t want to let everyone down. It’s not easy to play your best under that kind of pressure. I guess since I was young I kept it simple and just tried to hit the ball. I played a few matches and found myself winning the tournament, which got me to number one in the world. This was possible from all the belief my father had in me, which I only began to realize now. ⁣ ⁣ About three years ago I had a really tough period where I wasn’t enjoying myself on court. I was dealing with some private things in my personal life that I couldn’t overcome. I wasn’t enjoying tennis, I wasn’t enjoying anything. I didn’t like where my life was at ranking wise and overall. I felt like a burnout. I had that for a couple years and I just couldn’t figure it out. Slowly, I had some help and began working on myself. I am happy and that doesn’t affect me the same way. I still have a lot of will and potential in me and more ambitious than ever before. This tough experience is behind me, but I am happy I went through it. It made me who I am. I know a lot of people who go through that period, whether athletes or not. How you respond to that shows your true character.” @nastia_pav⁣ ⁣ Go to behindtheracquet.com for extended stories, podcast and merch.

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Kako dalje piše, pre tri godine imala je problema u privatnom životu, a to se reflektovalo i na tenis.

– Nisam uživala na terenu, imala sam privatne probleme koje nisam mogla da prevaziđem. Nije mi se dopadao moj život, moj rang, kao da sam bila istrošena. Potrajalo je dve godine, nisam mogla da shvatim zašto, ali polako i uz pomoć, počela sam da radim na sebi. I dalje imam mnogo volje i potencijala, sada sam ambicioznija nego ikada ranije. To teško iskustvo je iza mene, bitno je kako se odgovori na to.

Ruskinja je u dosadašnjoj karijeri osvojila 12 WTA trofeja, a najbolji rang joj je 13. mesto svetske rang liste.

(Tenis Uživo, J. Erdei)

Teme:   Anastasija Pavljučenkova, Teniserke, Vesti


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