16/04/20 - 14:42h

Gof: Godinu dana sam bila u depresiji


Američka teniserka Kori Gof je za “Behing the racquet” pričala o depresiji sa kojom se pre nekoliko godina suočila.

Source: Getty Images Europe

Ona je prošle godine napravila senzaciju došavši sa samo 15 godina do osmine finala Vimbldona. Pre tog velikog uspeha borila se sa psihičkim problemima

– Kroz život sam uvek bila ‘ta najmlađa’ koja je uradila nešto, što je dodavalo na ‘hajpu’, a to nisam želela. Pravilo mi je dodatan pritisak da sam morala veoma brzo da uspem. Neposredno pre Vimbldona, oko 2017. i 2018. godine, mučila sam se da shvatim šta u stvari želim. Imala sam rezultate tako da to nije bio problem, ali jednostavno nisam uživala u onome što sam volela. SHvatila sam da moram da krenem da igram za sebe, a ne za druge ljude. Godinu dana sam bila u depresiji. To je bila najteža godina za mene, za sada. Iako nije istina, osećala sam se da prijatelji nisu tu za mene. Kada ste u tom mračnom stanju uma ne gledate na svetlu stranu stvari često, što je najteži deo. – rekla je Kori i nastavila:

– Mislim da to nije imalo ništa sa tenisom, jednostavno sa mnogo stvari u isto vreme. Znala sam da želim da igram tenis ali nisam znala kako to želim da radim. Čak sam i razmišljala da napravim godinu dana pauze kako bih se fokusirala na život. Očigledno je da ta odluka ne bi bila prava, ali sam bila jako blizu da je donesem. Bila sam izgubljena tada. Bila sam zbunjena i previše sam razmišljala o svemu, o tome šta drugi žele. Dosta sam samo sedela, razmišljala i plakala. Sada sam jača zbog toga i poznajem sebe bolje nego ikada. Svi me pitaju kako sam toliko mirna na terenu i ja mislim da je to jer sam prihvatila ko sam nakon što sam prebrodila te niske tačke u svom životu. Kada sam na terenu, sada sam jednostavno zahvalna što sam tu.

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“Throughout my life, I was always the youngest to do things, which added hype that I didn’t want. It added this pressure that I needed to do well fast. Once I let that all go, I started to have the results I wanted. Right before Wimbledon, going back to around 2017/18, I was struggling to figure out if this was really what I wanted. I always had the results so that wasn’t the issue, I just found myself not enjoying what I loved. I realized I needed to start playing for myself and not other people. For about a year I was really depressed. That was the toughest year for me so far. Even though I had, it felt like there weren’t many friends there for me. When you are in that dark mindset you don’t look on the bright side of things too often, which is the hardest part. I don’t think it had much to do with tennis, maybe just about juggling it all. I knew that I wanted to play tennis but didn’t know how I wanted to go about it. It went so far that I was thinking about possibly taking a year off to just focus on life. Choosing not to obviously was the right choice but I was close to not going in that direction. I was just lost. I was confused and overthinking if this was what I wanted or what others did. It took many moments sitting, thinking and crying. I came out of it stronger and knowing myself better than ever. Everyone asks me how I stay calm on court and I think it’s because I accepted who I am after overcoming low points in my life. Now, when I’m on court, I am just really thankful to be out there. Personally for me, I like playing for more than myself. One of the biggest things is to continue breaking barriers. At the same time I don’t like being compared to Serena or Venus. First, I am not at their level yet. I always feel like it’s not fair to the Williams sisters to be compared to someone who is just coming up. It just doesn’t feel right yet, I still look at them as my idols. With all their accolades I shouldn’t be put in the same group yet. Of course I hope to get to where they are but they are the two women that set the pathway for myself, which is why I can never be them.” @cocogauff Go to behindtheracquet.com for extended stories, podcast and merch

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(Tenis Uživo, J. Erdei)

Teme:   Kori Gof, Teniserke, Vesti


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