12/04/20 - 13:41h

“Radio sam sve kako bih pokazao majci i ocu da se njihov rad isplatio”


Španac Roberto Bautista Agut je za “Behind The Racquet” govorio o teškom periodu svog života.


2018. godine španskom teniseru je preminula majka, a godinu dana kasnije ostao je i bez oca.

– Moja mama je preminula 2018. godine. Bio sam u klubu u kojem sam ranije trenirao i dobio sam poziv posle treninga. Saznao sam da je moja mama otišla da spava i da se nije probudila. Bilo je to 100% neočekivano. Bila je vrlo mlada, samo 52 godine, ali je nosila mnogo stresa zbog brige o mom ocu. On je bio u krevetu u sobi pored kada mi je mama preminula. Godine 2016. moj otac je doživeo nesreću, pao je dok je čistio naše štale sa konjima i ostao je paralizovan, nije mogao da se pomera od vrata nadole. Koristio je i mašinu za disanje jer nije mogao samostalno. Imali smo dvoje ljude, plus moju mamu, koji su 24 sata dnevno brinuli o njemu. Kada je mama umrla, sve je palo na moju ženu i mene. Trenirao bih, a u slobodno vreme bih bio sa ocem u bolnici ili kod kuće. Znao sam da tokom tog perioda ne mogu da prestanem da igram, morao sam da pomognem ocu i u početku nismo znali koliko će koštati lečenje i operacije. Osim novca, znao sam i da otac želi da igram tenis – moji roditelji uvek su želeli da ostvarujem svoje snove bez obzira na situaciju. – rekao je Bautista.

Kako ističe, u tom periodu je igrao možda i najbolji tenis u karijeri.

– To je bio moj način da sve to dobije smisao. Tokom tog užasnog vremena igrao sam možda i najbolje u karijeri. Bio sam tu za svoju porodicu koliko sam mogao, ali nisam mogao da odbacim ono za šta sam radio ceo život. Nikada nisam odustao. Bio je novembar 2019. godine kada je moj otac preminuo. Tokom Dejvis kup finala sa Kanadom – bio sam s njim u njegovim poslednjim trenucima, a 24 sata kasnije sam igrao meč, to je moj otac želeo. Bilo je pomalo neočekivano, ali znali smo da to može da se desi bilo kog dana, meseca… Iako sam to znao, treba se suočiti sa činjenicom da ti je otac preminuo. Ti teški trenuci učinili su me jačim i moćnijim, dali su mi snagu koju drugi nisu imali, učinili me fokusiranijim i motivisanijim. Radio sam sve kako bih se borio na terenu i kako bih pokazao majci i ocu da se njihov naporan rad isplatio.

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“My mom passed away in 2018. I was at the club I used to train at when I got a call after practice. I found out my mom went to sleep and didn’t wake up. It was 100% unexpected. She was very young, only 52 years old, but was supporting a lot of stress from taking care of my father. He was in the bed in the next room when my mom passed away. Back in 2016 my father was in an accident. My father fell while he was cleaning our horse stables and became paralyzed. From my father’s accident he became a quadriplegic, couldn’t move from the neck down. He used an artificial breathing machine since he couldn’t do it himself. We had two people, plus my mother, who took care of my father 24 hours a day. Then when my mom passed away and it was all on my wife and I. I would practice and then use my free time to go home and visit my father in the hospital or the house. I knew that during this time I could not stop playing. I had to help my father. In the beginning we didn’t know how much the treatments would cost or all of his operations. I know that besides the money playing tennis is what my father wanted for me. My parents wanted me to make my dreams come true no matter the situation. I kept playing and fought harder than I ever did. That was my way of making it worth it. During this horrible time is when I played some of my best tennis. I was there for my family as much as I could, but I couldn’t throw away what I have worked all my life for. I never gave up. It was November of 2019, when my father passed away. It was during the Davis Cup match against Canada. I got to be with him his last few minutes and played a match 24 hours later. It was what my father wanted for me. His passing was a little unexpected but my family knew that it could happen any day or month. Even though I knew this, once your father passes away you face that. These tough moments made me stronger and more powerful. It gave me a strength others didn’t have. It made me more focused and motivated. I did everything I could to fight hard on the court to show my mother and father that their hard work was worth it.” @robertobautistaagut Go to behindtheracquet.com for extended stories, podcast and merch.

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(Tenis Uživo, J. Erdei)

Teme:   Roberto Bautista Agut, Teniseri, Vesti


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